#!trpst#trp-gettext data-trpgettextoriginal=102#!trpen#Spring naar de hoofdinhoud#!trpst#/trp-gettext#!trpen#

Are you planning a visit to Genoa and want to avoid the ZTL zones? Or are you a Genoese with the fear of having accidentally entered a restricted traffic zone?

Don’t worry, in this article you will find out which the ZTL areas of Genoa are, what the fine is, how to apply for permits and authorizations to enter.

Are you ready for this? Let’s get started!


ZTL in Genoa: everything you need to know


One of the reasons why Genoa is recognized as a “pedestrian-friendly” city is because its historic center is completely open to pedestrians, and closed to vehicular traffic with the exception of residents, taxis and buses, thus representing a ZTL (restricted traffic area).

Since I receive daily questions and requests for clarification about the ZTL areas of Genoa, I decided to create a special article in which I will explain everything you absolutely need to know before coming to Genoa by car.

I would also like to remind you that if you have any questions, just ask them in the comments at the end of the article and I will answer them as soon as possible.


What is the ZTL?

It is nothing more than a restricted traffic area, i.e. access to which by car is allowed only to certain categories of vehicles, such as residents, public transport and taxis.

You should know that Genoa is not the only city in Liguria to have this type of restriction.

In fact, there are many other cities or historic villages that have decided to close access to cars to keep the areas safe for both pedestrians and cyclists.

In many cases in Genoa, there is no clear indication (such as a traffic light), and it is therefore very easy to find yourself within a ZTL area without wanting to.

Once inside, the video surveillance camera will take a picture of the vehicle’s plate, and then compare it with those on the so-called “white list”, that is, those who have the opportunity to access.

If by chance your car is not among the allowed ones, you will surely receive a fine, even if you accidentally enter and leave immediately.


What are the ZTL areas of Genoa?

The limited traffic areas in the centre of Genoa are in the historic centre, in the pier area (inside the Porto Antico) and in via San Vincenzo.

When is the Genoa ZTL zone active?

Every day, every hour.

This means that if you don’t have a permit, you’ll never be able to access it.


My hotel or B&B is located within the ZTL area, how can I do it?

No problem.

If you have decided to visit the city by car and you have booked a hotel or bed and breakfast with parking in Genoa within the ZTL area, you must remember to communicate your number plate to the accommodation, so that it can be included in the famous “white list” I told you about before and in this way you will not be fined for entering the area.

Always ask for confirmation before your arrival, because the chance always exists that someone forgot to communicate your license plate to the authorities (think of small B&Bs or independent holiday homes).

If you come to Genoa for just one day, the best solution is to leave your car in a car park slightly outside the city centre and move by public transport or even on foot (here you can find an itinerary to visit Genoa on foot).


ZTL Genova Fines: how much are the fines?

If you accidentally entered the ZTL area without permission, expect a fine.

You will have to pay a penalty of 84 to 335 € that will arrive at your home within 90 days after you have logged in.

If you pay within 5 days of notification, you will receive a 30% discount.

If the penalty should arrive after 90 days, know that it must not be paid because it has expired (for more information read Article 201 of the Highway Code).



We have come to the conclusion of this article on the restricted traffic areas of Genoa in which I hope I have given you all the information you needed.

Do you have any questions or concerns?

Leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.



Andrea Semonella

Hey! I'm Andrea and I am a little bit obsessed with exploring the world and meeting people on the road. I'm in love with my city, and I'm happy to share with you all the best place and most incredible secrets of Genoa, Italy.

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