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christopher columbus' house

Tickets for Christopher Columbus House

Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa is one of the most important historical sites in the city. This house is believed to have been the home of the famous explorer during his childhood and youth (when he was between four and nine years old).

However, the real story of Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa is a bit more complicated than you might think.

If you don’t know me yet, let me introduce myself, I am Andrea from Discover Genoa, and in this post I would like to provide you with all the information you might need about Christopher Columbus’ birthplace in Genoa.

By reading the post you will discover the true history of the explorer’s house, where it is located, what the guided tour consists of, to how to buy tickets online.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa is located in Piazza Dante, just a short walk from the central Piazza De Ferrari.

The house has been restored and transformed into a museum that houses an extensive collection of objects and documents about Christopher Columbus’ life and explorations.

Christopher Columbus’ original house no longer exists. However, the building located in Dante Square was reconstructed in 1913, based on an old map of the city that showed the location of the original house.

This house is believed to have been the home of Christopher Columbus’ parents.

What is the true history of Columbus’ house?

The true history of the Christopher Columbus Genoa house is rather complicated and not entirely certain.

It is known that the house where Christopher Columbus lived as a boy no longer exists. The house that now houses the museum was rebuilt in 1913 based on an old map of the city that indicated the location of the original house.

In addition, the ownership of the house itself has been the subject of much controversy and discussion.

In 1892, the municipality of Genoa acquired a building believed to be the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, but it was later discovered that this was not the original house.

After years of controversy, in 1898, the municipality acquired an area of land in the historic center of Genoa that included the church of Sant’Andrea and a building that had been identified as the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.

However, even this identification has not been unanimously accepted by scholars and experts.

Despite the uncertainties about the true identity of Christopher Columbus’ home in Genoa, the museum nevertheless houses an extensive collection of objects and documents about the Genoese explorer’s life and travels.

A visit to the museum allows visitors to learn more about the life and discoveries of Christopher Columbus, immersing themselves in the history of one of the most important figures of the Renaissance.

What does a visit to Columbus’ house Genoa consist of?

If you are planning to visit Columbus’ house, you should know that the museum, in addition to the house, also houses the cloister of Sant’Andrea, a small church that had been built in the 1100s and was used as the Columbus family chapel.

Let’s see together what a visit to these two attractions consists of.

Birthplace of Christopher Columbus Genoa

christopher columbus' home

A visit to Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa allows you to discover the life and explorations of the famous Genoese explorer.

It is certainly not a large mansion, but still rich in history: inside the museum, you can visit a number of rooms that tell the story of the life and daily routine of Columbus’ family and son, from his early years until his death.

On the ground floor, you can admire the home of Christopher Columbus’ parents, with its period furniture and objects, and some small spaces dedicated to a workshop and kitchen (where Christopher’s father sold textiles and cheese).

Also on the ground floor, you find a kind of impluvium (a basin for collecting water), immediately next to a crude latrine (a significant indication of the concept of hygiene at the time.).

On the second floor are two modestly sized rooms that were used for eating and sleeping.

This is a small memorial to the great navigator’s family, inside which a number of panels and materials tell its story and, more importantly, its daily life.

The building was damaged during the bombardment in which the Sun King Luigi XIV subjected the Maritime Republic in 1684. It was the only one to be rebuilt, due to the importance of those who lived there, even during the demolitions that affected the area in the 1930s.

Cloister of Sant’Andrea

cloister of st andrews

In addition to the house of Christopher Columbus, a visit to the museum also includes the Cloister of Sant’Andrea.

The Cloister of Sant’Andrea in Genoa dates back to the 12th century and is located in the ancient district of Portoria in the city’s historic center.

The church of Sant’Andrea was built in medieval times and was later enlarged and renovated over the centuries.

Between 1900 and 1906, the Church of Sant’Andrea della Porta was completely demolished, along with the hill on which it stood, to allow for the urban redevelopment of the area and the construction of the Bank of Italy Building.

chiostro di sant'andrea genova

The cloister adjacent to the church was dismantled and relocated about 20 years later to its present location.

It is a building of great historical and cultural importance to the city of Genoa. During the Middle Ages, the cloister was used by monks of the Benedictine order who provided spiritual care for the sailors and fishermen of the Portoria district.

Over the following centuries, the cloister underwent several transformations and was used for different purposes, including as a military hospital during World War II. After the conflict, the cloister was restored to its former beauty.

Today the Cloister of St. Andrew is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Genoa. It regularly hosts art exhibitions and concerts, and is also used as a location for various cultural events.

How much are tickets to visit the house of Christopher Columbus?

The cost of a ticket to visit Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa depends on the type of ticket purchased.

The standard price for a full ticket is €10.50, while the reduced price (for children aged 13 to 17) is €6.60.

Children up to 12 years old can enter for free.

You can purchase tickets directly on site or book them online.

To avoid the queues that may form at the ticket office (especially during the peak season) I recommend that you buy tickets online.

cloister of st andrews

Tickets for Christopher Columbus House

How to get to the house museum of Christopher Columbus?

The birthplace of Christopher Columbus is located on Via di Porta Soprana, in the heart of Genoa, just a short walk from the central Piazza De Ferrari.

To reach the house of Christopher Columbus in Genoa, you can use public transportation or walk to it.

If you use public transportation, the nearest metro station is De Ferrari, and the nearest bus stop is Piazza Dante.

If you wish to reach the house on foot, you can follow the Genoa Old Town Tourist Route, which allows you to discover all the main attractions of the city.

If, on the other hand, you plan to reach the Columbus House by car, I recommend leaving your car in the large paid parking lot located right in Piazza Dante. Alternatively, take a look at Genoa’s free parking lots, which, however, are located quite far from the city center.

Opening hours and contacts

Genoa Christopher Columbus home: FAQ

Is it accessible to people with disabilities?

The access ramp for the stairs is not convenient for the disabled, but it is still doable.

Is a guided tour of the Columbus House available?

Yes, you can purchase the ticket online here.

Are animals allowed inside?

Not unless it is a certified guide dog.

Genoa home of Columbus: conclusions

In conclusion, Christopher Columbus’ house in Genoa is a very interesting historical site that is definitely worth a visit.

In fact, Columbus’ house museum still offers a vast collection of objects and documents about the life of the navigator’s family and his explorations.

We have come to the end of the article. But if you have any doubts or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

When I can, I always reply to everyone.

Best regards,

Photo credits:

Andrea Semonella

Hey! I'm Andrea and I am a little bit obsessed with exploring the world and meeting people on the road. I'm in love with my city, and I'm happy to share with you all the best place and most incredible secrets of Genoa, Italy.


  • María Cristina Bevilacqua says:

    Buen día!
    Necesito información sobre visitas guiadas en español en Génova.
    Me interesa la Biósfera, el ascensor panorámico y la casa de Cristóbal Colón.

    • Andrea Semonella says:

      Hola María,

      Aquí encontrarás entradas para visitas guiadas a las siguientes atracciones:
      Casa de Colón
      Biosfera de Génova (la visita guiada sólo es posible si se combina con el Acuario de Génova)

      Para el ascensor panorámico, en cambio, no hay visita guiada propiamente dicha, pero puedes enterarte de todos los detalles a través de la guía de voz que hay en el interior.

      Saludos cordiales,

  • Nick Frankart says:

    Hello Andrea,

    I live in America, in Long Beach, California. I read your article about “The Best 7 Trattoria Restaurants in Genoa.” I am hoping my wife and I will visit Genoa in 2025. I worked there at a building at Corso Aurelio Saffi, 37, for four months in 1980-81, for a company called Vernante Pennitalia. I believe it is now gone. While working in Genoa, I stayed at Torre Cantore in Sampierdarena, and had dinner nearly every night at the wonderful TRATTORIA EMILIANA very close by, and became very good friends with the Vicale family, especially the 20-something-year-old son (at the time), Mario, of the family that ran the restaurant. I believe it was later sold, but perhaps you have heard if it. it has probably been replaced by a newer trattoria. I still keep in touch somewhat with Mario Vicale, and believe he has moved to Palinuro, where he now works at a resort there, but visits his elderly mother, who still lives in Genoa. I would be interested in anything you might know about this former trattoria, or the Vicale family in general. Perhaps we will meet next year. Thank you for the excellent article. Have you ever been to California?

    Best regards,

    Nick Frankart

    • Andrea Semonella says:

      Dear Nick, What a pleasure to know that my articles are read by people all over the world. And I am happy to know that the post on the best trattorias stirred some good memories for you.

      Unfortunately, I have never heard of Trattoria Emiliana. I also asked my father who is originally from the Sampierdarena neighborhood, and he doesn’t remember it either. I am very sorry to hear that. If I should have any information about it, I will be happy to share it with you.

      I have never been to California but I am planning a trip for September with my wife. We will leave from Los Angeles, and then head to San Francisco and the parks (Antylope Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Horse Shoeban Canyon and Grand Canyon). We will stop in Bodie (ghost town) and Las Vegas. If you have any advice, I will be happy to read it.

      A hug from Genoa,

      • Nick Frankart says:

        Dear Andrea,

        Thank you for your reply, which I just noticed today on your Discover Genoa website. I found the address of the former Trattoria Emiliana. It was Via Dottesio 20R in Sampierdarena. It was probably there until at least the late 90s. Very short walk from Torre Cantore, the apartment building where I stayed for four months while working in Genoa. It appears that it is still there, and is now called Torre Cantore Suite, 8H Via Antonio Cantore Interni 1a e 2 – Piano primo, 16149 Génova, Italia. I remember it as a very tall building, and we drove every day to Courso Aurelio Saffi. 37, for work, which was right across the street from the shipyard in the Mediterranean. I would love to stop into the passport office which appears to be there now, to see if it is the same place where I worked when it was Vernante Pannitalia.

        If you are coming to Los Angeles in September with your wife, I would urge you to DRIVE to San Francisco along a spectacular scenic coastal route called Highway Route 1, or Pacific Coast Highway. It is comparable to driving along the Riviera from Genoa to Monaco. And seeing the Grand Canyon is beyond description and breathtaking. The best way to see it is to stay at a hotel in the small city of Williams, Arizona, and take the train in the adjacent train station directly to The South Rim of the Canyon. And of course, Las Vegas is a must-see destination. you will have a great time!!

        By the way, our English is outstanding! Feel free to communicate with me directly at my email address below.

        All the best,


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